Chain Breaker is a ministry for everyone. We know, and understand, that there is a level of recovery in all walks of life; not only drug and alcohol but worry, anxiety, trauma, self worth. Here, you are not alone in your struggles and will find more peace knowing that at Chain Breakers. We focus on God, His mercy, His salvation, and we surrender. Everyone who meets on Friday night has been through different depths of darkness, but God pulled them out.

We start at 7 pm with a meal together, followed by worship. Come together and will have a short discussion, learning through God's word, then split into a men's group and a women's group. We learn through the Bible. We share our struggles and successes. We encourage and support each other, every way that we can.

All walks of life are welcome, we know that not everyone wants to share and we respect that. Many times, new visitors aren't comfortable sharing right away and that's OK.

Chain Breakers started March 2023, led by Shelley Tounzen and Mickel Bailey. This recovery ministry had been on their hearts a while, they knew that something like this could be beneficial for those who are facing hard times, in different aspects. They too, have faced dark times but surrendered to God. Mrs. Shelley states that she knew that God was telling her about this ministry, but she felt as if she wasn't equipped enough for it. She, then, spoke to Joe and the leaders of the church about it. They all said they'd support her in whatever they needed. She hear Him loud and clear! When she spoke to Mickel about his ministry, she learned that God was working on him as well! Now they co-lead the Chain Breaker Ministry.

FOOD Ministry


If you are interested in either helping prep, handing out, or delivering food to those who have no transportation: please contact Jenna or Mickel Bailey to find out areas to serve OR just show up! We welcome all volunteers and will find something for everyone to do.

Every Tuesday: Most volunteers around 1 P.M., the Yard Crew shows up around 4 to hand out meals


Jenna and Mickel have been married 21 years, and have 3 children together, 19, 18, and 11. They have been attending Grace Community for 3 years. Jenna's love language is to cook and to feed others. She feels as if this is Gods way of preparing her for this role in the ministry. She has spent a lot of her childhood in the kitchen, where big family meals always filled her heart with happiness and joy.

We are immensely blessed to have the House of Faith ladies that come out to help us serve those that need to be fed. They share our passion to feed the families in our community. These ladies join us each week to assist in feeding the people that come out and we wouldn't be able to reach this many families without them.

Grace Community serves over 600 meals every Tuesday. With more volunteers we will be able to serve outside Ward and the surrounding areas that we currently feed. Seeing people go hungry is something that happens a lot and being able to feed them is such a privilege. God has consistently provided us with donations and volunteers to make all of this a reality.

Guest Services

It's crucial to Grace Community that each person feels welcomed when they first walk in the doors. With that, we have volunteers who participate in guest services. Paul Stickels, the guest services leader, enjoys how guest services makes the church more welcoming to new-comers. Statistically, if this part of the church is run smoothly and correctly, it's more likely that visitors will come back.

We love having all kinds of people volunteer for guest services, whether your outgoing and want to greet or assist at the coffee bar, or more of a "behind the scenes" type person that help clean up after service, then those in between.

One of Paul's favorite verses is "Tend the flock of God which is among you, exercising the oversight, not of constraint, but willingly, according to the will of God; not yet for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;" 1 Peter 5:2. To Paul this verse means to serve and care for others because you and GOD want you to.

Those who volunteer each Sunday in guest services can be seen all around the church. We have those who park the cars, welcoming people into the church and opening the doors, Coffee bar (pre and post church), security & first responder scenarios, information/welcome desk for help, even, and new guest, information and support, and post services clean-up.

Gracefully Women

When: Every other Sunday 3:30P

Where: Grace Community (unless otherwise stated)

What we are about: GraceFULLY Women is a group of ladies that are seeking to gain and give Grace. We live day in and day out with pressures for our time from our wonderful families, to exercise, to eating right, and friendships. We seek to learn more everyday about God, each other, and ourselves- and a long the way make our community stronger and share the gospel of Christ.

Iron Man

Men's Ministry


Men's ministry

When: Every other Monday when in session

Where: Grace Community (Unless otherwise stated)

What we are about: This is not your grand-dads bible study. Iron Man is a group of men learning how to biblically navigate this broken world we live in. We leverage the word of God to make ourselves better husbands to our wives, better fathers to our children, better leaders in our circle of influences, and most of all, better children to our Lord. We lean on and support each other through life's challenges and hope to grow in both relationship with each other, and our savior.

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

John 4:7-8